Tax information
Your donations are tax deductible
The Ashland Emergency Fund is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, recognized both by the United States Internal Revenue Service as well as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Revenue.
Donations to the Ashland Emergency Fund are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
The Tax ID number for the Ashland Emergency Fund, Inc. is : #22-2959481
For more information on charitable donations and your income taxes, consult your tax advisor or see the IRS website at
If you need to confirm AEF's tax status
Confirmation of the AEF’s status with the IRS can be found by going to: and, entering “Ashland Emergency Fund. Inc.” in the text box under the organization search field, and, clicking the radio button for “All of the words”.
The image below shows the current letter from the IRS affirming the AEF’s status. You may print it out and use it directly, or you may print out the information from the site.